Court hearing for Taungup philanthropist facing Unlawful Associations Act rescheduled
Ko Aung Win Hlaing, chair of the Moe Pyinnyar Dana Philanthropic Association in Arakan State’s Taungup town, who was charged under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Associations Act, appeared in court on August 23, but his court hearing was postponed again due to the extended public holiday during the Covid-19 pandemic.
24 Aug 2021
DMG Newsroom
24 August 2021, Taungup
Ko Aung Win Hlaing, chair of the Moe Pyinnyar Dana Philanthropic Association in Arakan State’s Taungup town, who was charged under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Associations Act, appeared in court on August 23, but his court hearing was postponed again due to the extended public holiday during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Ko Aung Win Hlaing’s court hearing has been rescheduled for September 6, said U Aung Kyi Naing, a lawyer representing the defendant.
“He [Ko Aung Win Hlaing] is in good health. He has been sued under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Associations Act,” the lawyer said.
Members of the military arrested Ko Aung Win Hlaing on June 5 near Phone Nyo Taung security checkpoint on the Taungup-Thandwe road, and transferred him to the Taungup police station on July 14.
Ko Maung Maung Thein, a member of the Moe Pyinnyar Dana Philanthropic Association, said that the arrest and prosecution of a young philanthropist while fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) had ceased in Arakan State was a threat to charitable groups.
“We see the arrest and prosecution of philanthropists as destabilising Arakan State, where peace and stability is restored for the time being. I thought that the lawsuits were kindly intimidating to philanthropists,” he said.
She wanted the detainee released immediately if he was found not guilty, said Ma Twetar Soe, the wife of Ko Aung Win Hlaing.
“I have been through a lot of hardships as a woman without a job amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. If he [Ko Aung Win Hlaing] is innocent, he should be released immediately,” she added.
Six other people were reportedly detained during his arrest, but the situation of the other detainees is not currently known.